The Butterfly Lion book Report


 A little boy named Bertie lived down in Africa he found a little white lion cub he had to go  to school in England he had to give the lion cub to a Frenchman and the Frenchman took the lion to France Bertie found a friend her name was Millie they missed the lion so they went to France to look for the lion they found out that the circus that the lion was at was closed down but then they saw that he had kept the white lion then they got the lion then  Bertie and Millie got married in England but the vicar said no then  a few weeks later the lion died the Bertie died.  Millie put Bertie's ashes next to the lion.

Image result for the butterfly lion


  1. Hi, Mia well done on your post you did very well.
    Would you Keep a lion in your house?

  2. I loved that report. Would you live in Africa?

  3. I really enjoyed your blog. How long would you last having a lion as a pet?


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